
Member Registration

Member registration is crucial to the use of Member Manager. We collect members names, contact information and preferred method of contact during the registration process as well as creating a user account withing the Member Manager system for maintaining that contact information. The Member Manager system allows for multiple methods of member registration including:
1. Self-Registration by SMS: A member can register by sending a SMS message to the phone number assigned to the Member Manager account. The Member Manager system will recognize a SMS message with the word “Register” included in will automatically reply with a link to the registration page for that specific Member Manager Account.
2. Self-Registration by QR Code: A member can register by scanning a QR code with their smartphone camera and clicking on the website link. The link will take the member to the registration page for that specific Member Manager Account.
Member Account Self-Management
Member manager allows all members to manage their account including contact information, preferred method of contact and password through the Account page.